Collaborative (Team)


Career Navigator/ Transitions Coordinator




Welcome to your one-stop shop for all things ICAPS. ICAPS is Illinois for IET. This page supports Adult Educators, Career and Technical Educators, and all partners involved in helping our learners in transition programs.

The Integrated Career & Academic Preparation System (ICAPS) is a quality instructional framework in Illinois for the implementation of Integrated Education and Training (IET) programs, as defined by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). ICAPS provides an accelerated pathway to an industry-recognized credential through training partnerships– such as Career and Technical Education or an approved training provider- to serve adult education students, including English Language Learners, at the same time that they are completing their Illinois High School Diploma and/or improving their English Language. Instruction and training are supplemented by support courses, comprehensive student support services, and augmented by collaborative teaching practices between workforce training instructors and basic skills instructors.

The administrators, team teachers, and career navigators involved in the ICAPS initiative play an essential role in student success. By aiding adult learners in developing transferable workplace skills, such as critical thinking, financial literacy, life skills, and study skills, and working with them to earn stackable certificates at nonpostsecondary and postsecondary levels those working in ICAPS programs can actively aid students in their progress towards family-sustaining jobs. The resources on this site are designed to aid Administrators, team teachers, and career navigators in implementing the ICAPS system.

ICAPS History Current ICAPS Programs Illinois Partners

Transitions AcademyICCB LogoSouthern Illinois Professional Development CenterICSPS

BBM web link