Transitions Academy: 2023 Fall Convening
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Welcome and Setting the Stage – Recap of FY 2023 Transitions Academy
Lavon Nelson, Senior Director for Workforce Education, ICCB
Natasha Allan, Senior Director for CTE, ICCB
Hear exciting updates from our FY23 Cohort Convos participants! What types of ICAPS are they working on? What advice do they have, and how can the Transitions Academy help? Thanks to Michelle Lyman, Joliet Junior College; Margaret Segersten, ROE 33; Patti Wragg, Kishwaukee College; Chantal Savage-Bryant and Kelly Johnson, Danville Area Community College, for sharing their success.
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Policy on ICAPS and Bridge Students
Angela Gerberding, Director for Work-Based Learning, ICCB
Learn about State policy around Bridge and ICAPS students in regard to data input, programmatic offerings, student eligibility, and funding options.
Watch Here Policy SlidesConversations with an Employer
Moderator: Angela Gerberding, Director for Work-Based Learning, ICCB
Richard Dominguez, Literacy Chicago
Sheryl Morris, UNITED HERE Chicago Hospitality Institute (UHCHI)
Learn from business partners and programs about how a successful partnership starts. Hear three things business partners should know about ICAPS and ICAPS students. This session will be an engaging dialogue addressing the challenges and the success of working with ICAPS programs from a business and programmatic perspective.
Watch HereStrong CTE and ICAPS
Margaret Segersten, ROE #33
Kang Hee Hong, Carl Sandburg College
Ellen Burns, Carl Sandburg College
It takes partnerships to build strong ICAPS programs. Join this session to learn the origin story of a successful Illinois partnership. Presenters will discuss challenges, barriers, and strategies for success and share tips on building a successful relationship.
Watch HereBridge and ICAPS Data: FY23 and Building for FY24
Kathy Olesen-Tracey, Senior Director for Adult Education and Literacy, ICCB
Angela Gerberding, Director for Work-Based Learning, ICCB
A review of data collected in FY23 and how improvements can occur for FY24 is the focus of this session. We want to capture all of the great work happening in the field! However, certain steps are necessary for that to happen at both the local and state levels. We will look at what has been learned from FY23 data and walk through some of those struggles to avoid similar issues in FY24.
Watch Here Data SlidesBuilding a Bridge and ICAPS Pipeline
Mary Jarjour, Heartland Human Care
Aimee Schneider, Heartland Human Care
Jonathan Meter, Pui Tak
Tiffany Olson, Oakton College
Bridges should lead SOMEWHERE, so how can programs build a successful pipeline of bridges to ICAPS? Also, how can programs build a pipeline from the community to their ICAPS to meet the needs of their community, partners, and students? Hear from programs that leveraged what they had in place to begin this process, building forward and backfilling where needed. Learn from their success and from their lessons. Take a look at their barriers, how they overcame them, and what information they share with students to help them understand their options.
Watch Here Building a Bridge SlidesResource Review: Learn About Tools Available to Support Your Work
Aimee Julian, Director, ICSPS
Sarah Goldammer, Director, SIPDC
The partnership between CTE or an approved training provider and adult education instructors is the key to success in the development of an ICAPS program. The contextualized integrated goals of the curricula should be reflected in the objectives. How does a program create these integrated outcomes into a single set of learning objectives? How does a program determine success? What resources are available to support program evaluation? Learn about tools available to support your good work: WIOA Evaluation Tool, Single Set of Learning Objectives (SSLO) planning resources, and the newly revised Bridge curricula for Healthcare and Entrepreneurship.
Watch Here Resource Review SlidesBuilding Partnerships Between Adult Education Providers
Margaret Segersten, ROE 33
Julie Frost, District 211
Nancy Moore, Harper College
This session features AE providers partnering within an APC. Hear how they built and are sustaining their partnerships. Get ideas from their discussion on how they initiated their partnerships and how they communicate and use meetings to plan and sustain their partnerships. Hear how they overcame barriers and how they, and their students, have benefitted from their partnership.
Watch Here Partnership SlidesICAPS…What’s Next?
Lavon Nelson, Senior Director for Workforce Education, ICCB
Angela Gerberding, Director for Work-Based Learning, ICCB
ICAPS can lead to employment, postsecondary education, and apprenticeships. This session will focus on the third option – apprenticeships. Gain a basic understanding of apprenticeships and how to connect ICAPS to them.
Watch Here What’s Next SlidesEntrepreneurial Bridge: Learn about the Success of Illinois Valley Community College
Carrie Danekas, Illinois Valley Community College
Luke Olivero, Illinois Valley Community College
Tara Schwab, Educational Training Specialist, SIPDC
Hear about the successes and challenges of IVCC’s first cohort for their new Entrepreneurial Bridge. Carrie and Luke will share their data from this cohort, the lessons learned, and how they will modify their bridge in the future. Learn the next steps for their students as you think about possible ICAPS in entrepreneurship in the future. There will be time for Q and A at the end of the presentation.
Watch Here Entrepreneurial SlidesBraided Funding: Utilizing Perkins V Funds to Support ICAPS Programs
Angela Gerberding, Director for Work-Based Learning, ICCB
Ann Storey, Associate Director for CTE, ICCB
Come learn about ways Perkins V funding can potentially be braided with Adult Ed funding to support students in ICAPS programs. ICCB leaders will provide scenarios and walk through what is allowable or not and how to share resources to help support our students in reaching their career goals. An overview of Ability to Benefit will also be provided.
Watch Here Braided Funding Slides