Collection of Best Practices and Resources from Experienced Illinois Programs

Bridge/IET/ICAPS Models

Integrated/Bridge Class Offerings in Illinois

Distance Learning Example – Waubonsee

Planning Resources

College Success Courses

Staff Integration Roles for Best Results – Black Hawk

Articulation Agreement Example – Elgin

Working within APC: Memorandum of Understanding Template

Illinois Braided Funding Worksheet

Integrating Career Development at all levels – Waubonsee

Tips to Assess Technology Skills

A Federal Funding Toolkit for State and Local/Regional Career Pathways Partnerships – CLASP document

Instructor Evaluation and Development System (email for access)

  • Teacher Worksheet for Encouraging Self-directed Learning
Statewide-Contextualized Curricula




Career Pathways Contextualized Basic Skills

Supporting Special Populations Strategies Documents

Supporting Students With Limited English Proficiency – Recruitment and Retention

Supporting Students With Disabilities – Recruitment and Retention

Supporting Single Parents and Displaced Homemakers – Recruitment and Retention

Supporting Students in Nontraditional Careers – Recruitment and Retention

Archived Webinars

Successful ICAPS Programs Answer Your Questions

Tips for Successful Development and Delivery of an ICAPS Support Course Webinar

Building Capacity of Existing ICAPS Programs

Braided Funding Refresher Webinar

  • Slideshow
  • A Federal Funding Toolkit for State and Local/Regional Career Pathways Partnerships – CLASP document
Archived Promotional Videos

Team Teaching Promo Video

Team Teaching Overview

What Makes a Great Team Teacher

Program Assessment

Our Students

Working Together

Additional Resources

Illinois workNet Homepage

Illinois Essential Employability Skills Framework and Self-Assessment

Carl D. Perkins Postsecondary Career & Technical Education Grant Manual

Guide to Identifying ICAPS Students in DAISI

Bridge/IET/ICAPS Models
Does the community college have an annual notice which:
  1. States that the community college does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability?
  2. States that non-discrimination applies to all areas of the community college?
  3. Names the Title IX Coordinator and/or Section 504 Coordinator?
  4. Gives the address and telephone number of the Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator?
  5. Directs persons with concerns about non-discrimination to contact the Title IX/Section 504 Coordinator?
  6. States that lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission and participation in educational programs?
  7. Has a brief description of program offerings and admission criteria?
Title IX and Section 504
Are the Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator(s) informed of their duties and adequately trained to coordinate the responsibilities on behalf of the community college?
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